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Why Do Stress Conferences Gain Weight? 3 Ways To Teach You To Release Stress And Lose Weight!

3 Ways To Teach You To Release Stress And Lose Weight!

Many people live and work under pressure every day. In order to reduce stress, many people use diet to eliminate stress in daily life. If they are not careful, they will easily overheat and their bodies will unknowingly become obese. Here are 3 Ways To Teach You To Release Stress And Lose Weight!


Everyday busy work, study, and complex interpersonal relationships are always accompanied by this writing pressure. However, if you choose to overeat to reduce stress, your slim figure will be further and further away from you.
People’s mental health is closely related to their physical health. Massage acupuncture points can reduce physical fatigue and psychological fatigue.

release stress and lose weight

In our hands, there are such acupuncture points that can reduce mental fatigue. At the same time, the acupuncture points of the parasympathetic nerves that have a relaxing effect are also on the hand. Massage these points can stabilize our mental state and suppress the tendency to overeating.


These acupuncture points at the fingertips are effective for relaxing the mind. With the thumb and index finger of the other hand, pinch the nail base of each finger to stimulate its acupoints.


The acupuncture points that are very effective in eliminating mental fatigue are located between the joints of the ring finger and the little finger and are slightly biased toward the palm. When you clenched your fists, it was where your little finger was holding it. Hold the acupoint with your thumb, put your index finger on the back of your hand, pinch from both sides, and massage to stimulate the acupoint.


Acupoints are very effective in relieving mental fatigue. It is on the top horizontal line of the wrist, leaning to the side of the little finger. Hold the wrist with the other hand and press this point with your thumb to stimulate it.
Note: When massaging the acupoints of the hands, inhale slowly while massaging. When inhaling, the strength decreases and repeats 7-8 times.


Massaging these sympathetic acupuncture points and relaxing is important for weight loss!
Autonomic nerves include sympathetic nerves that rejuvenate the body and parasympathetic nerves that allow the body to rest. Stimulating sympathetic nerves can suppress appetite; conversely, stimulating parasympathetic nerves can increase appetite.


Because the pressure of modern life is too busy and busy, the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves is easily disrupted. The skillful use of these acupressure massages can maintain this balance in the body.





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