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Tips For The Fastest Weight Loss Exercise Before Bedtime.

Tips for the fastest weight loss exercise before bedtime.

Nowadays, many people also start to do exercises before going to bed. They think that exercises before going to bed can effectively help us lose weight. It will not take up too much time for ourselves, but also can lose weight. There are many exercises before going to bed, so do you know what is the fastest secret to exercise before going to bed to lose weight? Let’s take a look together!


What is the fastest secret to exercise before going to bed to lose weight?

Exercise at low intensity before going to bed. Everyone knows that intense exercises with too much intensity are not allowed before going to bed, because this will make us so energetic that we can’t sleep! And for weight loss, it is difficult to achieve the intended effect. Considering to ensure 8 hours of sleep, everyone should adjust their habits and go to sleep around 11 o’clock. As for exercise before going to bed, the editor recommends that you start at 10:30 so that you can sleep until dawn.

Tips for the fastest weight loss exercise before bedtime.

Staying away from fat is broken down during sleep. When we enter sleep, the body can consume 30% of the basal metabolism. And doing a simple stretching exercise before going to bed can improve the efficiency of body fat burning, but also help improve the quality of sleep, make the body function up, relieve stress, and lose weight. The effect will also be significantly improved. Not only that, if you can ensure 8 hours of adequate sleep, even your immunity will be enhanced, so you will lose weight faster and healthier.


Exercise before bedtime

Right angle

In yoga, this posture is called the right-angle pose. When you inhale, you control your body to bend forward. The upper body and the lower body are at a right angle. The hands are held together and stretched toward the top of the head. When you exhale, the body slowly relaxes and recovers. Upright state.


Stretch knee thin thigh

Lie on the bed, stretch your back and face upwards, with your knees bent, and your feet on the bed. The angle between your thigh and calf is less than 90 degrees. Then slowly raise the right leg, straighten the knee, connecting the calf and thigh in a straight line, and the sole of the foot is perpendicular to the leg. Hold the inside of the right knee with both hands and fix it, with your arms straight. Slowly bend the right knee so that the calf is at 90 degrees to the thigh. At this time, the thigh is slightly retracted toward the upper body, and the arms are naturally bent, but the soles of the feet are always at right angles to the calves. Then straighten it again, repeat 4 times back and forth, and pay attention to exhale when straightening.

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